We woke up feeling very well rested! We kept Fin on her normal routine, a little iPad time with her favorite fiber breakfast bar, which she fondly refers to as a "chocolate brown bar". My husband and I chit-chatted about our anxiousness over tomorrow and what we may get done today.

We took it easy because our pre-op was scheduled for noon. We weren't sure how long it was going to take, so we got dressed and headed downstairs for the complimentary breakfast.

She loves putting the key in the elevator.
Here is the yummy breakfast we had! I never take food pics, but I felt like documenting this one.

I'm a nervous eater, so.. Yeah.
We were running way ahead of schedule, so we decided to walk around and enjoy the cold fallish weather. This town is simply gorgeous.

We had some fun just being our silly selves and checking out the real estate..

{Ofcourse we are wearing our Mommy and me Subsidy Shades! We love ordering from them because they help fund a different families' adoption each month. www.subshades.com }

We arrived at the hospital. Checked in and hung out with some other friendly fam's from all over the world!

This is Cam + Charlotte they are from the UK! Charlotte is having her surgery tomorrow right after Fin. It was so nice to talk with another mama who is literally in the exact shoes. We discussed our anxiousness and what the exciting future holds. We are waiting to watch a video and then finally get to meet Dr. Park.

Things get a little silly in these waiting rooms. You see that little blue band on the far left hanging over the arm chair? That kept us busy for almost 40 minutes.
We went into the first room and watched a video.

Then we went into the next room and spoke with Deanna. Was so nice to finally meet her as well! Then we were escorted into THE ROOM. The room where we got to meet Dr. Park.

He observed and assessed Finley. Then he made his final prognosis for her post-operation. We are so grateful for him. Fin rarely takes to people so quickly and you can tell he's just the sweetest man. She was so content on his lap after just meeting him.
After our time with Dr. Park, we were then escorted to Physical Therapy. Josh took Fin and I headed to do check in & preliminary
paperwork up at "same day surgery" floor.

This girl rocked her session!! They took a video and assessed Finley. She took to her 'teacher' and loved her time with her. She loved these crutches and she really wanted to take them home with us. Lol. She said "they're pink" with the biggest smile.
We concluded the Pre-Op and just in time for Dinner. We walked around the adorable town and saw a really yummy restaurant, so we went in. It's called the Wild Flower.

Umm let me just tell you they had THE MOST amazing grilled cheese EVER!!! Highly recommend. I had the smoked BBQ salad and Josh had the Turkey Burger. Both very good. Fin discovered salt and pepper "sparkles" and had a ball pouring little bits at a time on a plate. Lol- she was playing chef without being wasteful. After dinner we passed by Hot Box Cookies, we had to go in.

Seriously so amazing!!
We took a little stroll around the town some more, and just felt so grateful and we fantasized about what it will be like when Finley can walk independently. It's like our minds block it or something, we just can't even fathom.
We retired to our hotel room for the night, we bathed Fin and I braided her hair while she face-timed with her favorite person, her Kiki (nanny). She sat and held both of our hands and ate a little bit more dinner around 8pm. She's not aloud any food after midnight or any liquids after 4am, so I was trying to fill her up! Afterwards, she fell asleep rather quickly. I packed the hospital bag, picked up the room, laid out outfits, and loaded the stroller for our 5am exit.

I am hoping to sleep at some point. My mind is all over the place. I keep picturing my Dad and my Mother-in-law, both tragic hospital deaths in our family. And recently. My Dad 4 years ago and my Mother-in-law just this past January. Miss them so much. Looking forward to getting through the hospital one day at a time.