Healing takes time. Every single time I post about my skin- someone mistakes it as an open invitation for a sales pitch for their product and a “quick fix”. It doesn’t bother me, however I know it offends many others. (My tip: Unless someone posts and says, “I need help” or “Looking for recommendations” I would steer clear of unsolicited advice especially when it’s a product you sell.) I want to make it clear that I am not looking for a solution, because I’ve already found one. Hence my literal use of the word healing.
This is what healing looks like.
I just wanted to reduce my rosacea without medication or harsh chemicals, that’s how all of this started. I am a blogger in the beauty industry- so believe me when I say- I’ve tried IT ALL.
I’ve struggled for years with acne. My rosacea popped up recently. It went away with antibiotics & treatments. It easily covered with makeup, but I knew I needed long term restoration. I needed more than a pill, laser, product, or topical ointment (which all worked temporarily) to get to the root of it, for good.
One thing led to another and before I knew it, I realized it’s not just ONE THING that’s the answer to HEALING...
It’s everything.
It’s HOW you think.
It’s WHO you surround yourself with.
It’s HOW you treat yourself.
It’s WHAT you eat/drink.
It’s limiting screen time.
It’s getting more sleep.
It’s what you use TOPICALLY.
So what have I done?
water water water
intermittent fasting (I eat between 11a-7p)
breaking fast with celery juice
zero alcohol (huge trigger for my flare ups)
dairy & gluten limited
I began a complete supplement regimen customized by a stool test, it was fascinating to see what was going on internally. I highly recommend a consultation with @DetoxingwithDani
Beachbody Vegan Shakes from the BEST COACH ever @kimhamilton.fit
What sits on our face allllll day is super important. I was always a MAC girl and I am shocked to find clean replacements without compromising coverage.
You might not know, I am a rep for Monat. I am a hairstylist, so initially the draw was the incredible results for the haircare. When we launched Skincare I was nervous because my skin is so sensitive & problematic. What if I used it and hated it? yikes. LUCKILY- its substantially helped. My face cannot tolerate our fabulous Rewind Nectar, but my neck and hands have aged backwards thanks to the scientific natural blend. My overall texture has improved and I am so excited to find Naturally based products that work for my SUPER SENSITIVE skin.
Be Kind to yourself and the way you talk about yourself. You would be surprised the changes that begin to happen when you LOVE yourself more. Look into the mirror, into your own eyes. Tell yourself YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Do it until you believe it.
Let go of ANGER. Rosacea is linked to feelings of resentment & frustration. Consult with a therapist and see if you’re hiding any of those emotions that are coming out in your skin.