The BIG Warrior Mixer


what a day to remember!

I can’t believe its been over two months since the event!! WOW- time is flying by, but i’m excited to finally be posting the recap! It was so fun getting our warriors all together to enjoy a nice breeze, great music, and fun adaptive festivities! Our gathering was at the gorgeous new Ranch/Clinic location of Leaps & Bounds.

Leaps and Bounds

This is where Finley & Austin attend therapy. Our home away from home. We are SO GRATEFUL for everything our Leaps family did to help with the event. It was an extremely special treat to have the Leaps Riding team provide rides for the kiddos! THANK YOU ALL WHO VOLUNTEERED, the Warrior Mixer would’ve not been possible without you!

It was a gorgeous breezy day and we were so surprised by the turnout! About 100 guests attended, which made it extremely memorable! I want to thank PULL UP A CHAIR PARTY RENTALS for the incredible tent/tables/chairs- it all provided the perfect shade for our Warriors. Not to mention our MC, David James did a SPECTACULAR job on the mic! Our BIG WARRIOR DANCE PARTY was absolute perfection because of the way he was thrown down the beats! Thank you so much!!


Can we just talk about our AMAZING BALLOON WALL for a second?! I’ve used Stars Above Balloon Decor for several events and they NEVER disappoint! I HIGHLY recommend them!! Their design made for the perfect backdrop!!


We ALSO had a ton of AMAZING fun vendor booths:

Birdie boutique

Birdie is an adorable shop that we’ve enjoyed for years! They are located in Corona and have the cutest things- if you’re local YOU HAVE to check them out and tell ‘em we sent ya!

what the hipster baby

Talk about CUTE STUFF!!! behind this small shop is a SAHM doing her thing with her minis by her side. If you’re going to a baby shower or have a little hipster babe- this shop is a must!

littlest warrior

Spreading joy, awareness and inclusion one rad tee at a time. Our Sweet friends Michelle and Ashley came to represent one of our favorite shops! They are the mamas behind “Advocate Like a Mother.” Michelle was the mastermind behind the “warrior lover” tees and we loved having her and her sweet fam at the event!

eazy hold

One word: “Genius.” Austin and Finley both enjoy their easy holds. They make every day tasks just a little bit EAZIER! Check them out, these make great adaptive gifts for warriors in your life.

hello sweetie pies

HOLY PIE ON A STICK!!! These tasty treats were a total hit!! I seriously wish I could have had them at my wedding 8 years ago, lol! Who doesn't love pie?!

dandie marketplace

Bows on bows on bows…. SUCH CUTE BOWS! LOVE the women behind this small shop and if you got a little girly girl or not-so-girly girl in your life- they’ve got the hair accessories for her.

inspired by drive

WE LOVE INSPIRED BY DRIVE! It was a no brainer to invite them as a vendor at our event. They make Finley’s adaptive stroller, walker, and Finley’s new arm crutches. If you’re in the market for equipment- THEY are your GO TO!

higher reaching HANDS

In home therapy is so very special to warrior Families. Trevor has been testing Austin for years and they love their time with him. If you’re looking for these private services- he’s your guy.

inclusive books

WE LOVE INCLUSIVE BOOKS!!!!! It was such a pleasure to meet and chat with these two Authors at the event- I LOVED how they supported each other. They BOTH are a must!!!!

hiya moriah + perfect as you are

special thanks to:

RejuvaYou Medical Spa for donating over $10,000 in services for the Silent Auction

Kona Ice


Warrior Mixer Initiative


Life of a Special Need’s parent can be lonely- but it doesn’t HAVE to be. Short story: after Finley was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at 15 months old- I began to search CP hashtags on Instagram (google was NO help).


I found Brandi and her sweet CP Warrior, Austin. She blogged his journey and it brought me so much comfort & hope. Then a year or so later, as luck would have it- both of our kiddos received therapy at Leaps & Bounds on the SAME DAY & TIME! How nuts is that. 


Talk about MEANT TO BE. ⁣⁣⁣
Over the years we’ve shared joys & tears. We’ve dreamt of doing a big event for CP Awareness, and then we thought, “Why limit it to CP? It should be for ALL Warriors.” That spiraled into many other ideas for us. “What if we could initiate a movement to get Warrior Mama’s from all over the globe to GET TOGETHER in their towns?! Nothing fancy, just fellowship. Laughing, crying, conversing with other’s who understand what you’re going through.”

The lightbulb went off!! LETS DO IT!!⁣⁣⁣

We launched this movement this past fall & had our first event in So Cal, which was EVERYTHING.


Perhaps you’re sitting there thinking, “I’m a special needs mom, I should DO THIS.” I’m telling you, YOU NEED TO. Your soul doesn’t even know what it’s missing. Best part is, ALL WARRIOR MAMAS are welcome. No matter the battlefield you’re on, we are all fighting together. ⁣⁣⁣
To get more info on how you can host a Warrior Mixer Meet UP:

It costs nothing to join us.

  1. Join our FB GROUP & post your city on your state in our USA Album. EXAMPLE:


2. Connect with the other mama’s in your city.

3. Plan a public event and invite local warrior mamas, ask people to tag someone they know!

4. POST PICS from your event & TAG US!!!

THAT’S IT! It’s that SIMPLE!

We may not all be able to be physically together, but how awesome is it that can still be so united through the WARRIOR MIXER INITIATIVE.


The Impact Society


Christa and I have a mission.

We met on Instagram. We were drawn to each other’s realness. Her being transparent about her life & separation/reconciliation with her husband and me being transparent with my infertility & special need’s mama journey. We both believe that living unfiltered is the way to go. We are saddened by all the fakeness and pretend perfectness - it’s just not REALISTIC. With all this “influencer” talk (which we both HATE that term) - it’s setting the wrong example. YOU don’t need to be like ANYONE else! God made a YOU for a reason!!

a movement was born.

We began working together in September of 2018. We discovered a passion within us to not only help other women succeed in their own business, but to show other woman that YOU were born to MAKE AN IMPACT. Make sure you’re following us to see info on upcoming events!

unshakeable 2018

Our first event was a RAGING success! We fellowshipped with 30 women at the beautiful Retro Ranch in Temecula. I will be blogging the details of that event soon! Here is a lil sneak peek the incredible Randi of Goo Lovely Photography put together:

Because you were born to make an Impact! Video Grow Lovely Photography


Repurposed- Boldy Go.JPG

There are a few kinds of Pastor’s kids, I was the stereotypical “rebellious” one. 
I pushed every boundary set in front of me. I often think of my younger self and cringe at some of the illegal choices I made or dangerous situations I put myself in. Honestly, It gives me anxiety thinking about most of it. 

You could say that I was an extremist, a thrill seeker, an addictive personality. I’m not proud of everything I’ve done, I’ve been the mean girl, been the cheater, been the abuser, and many a time been the ring leader with bad motives and just plain “up to no good”. 

I always thought there was only one type of way to be a “Christian Woman”- and that was to be MEEK & QUIET. 

Two things that are not in my genetic makeup. 

I hit a turning point and felt like I *woke up* at 25 and was a new person with no direction. Like, “Who I am today, is not who I was yesterday, but who am I supposed to be?” Have you ever felt like that? 

Right before being diagnosed with infertility, I had been praying for unshakeable patience. (Naturally, one YEARNS for patience after months of not getting those two coveted pink lines.) 

After a short wait, a sweet couple CHOSE us & PLACED the life of their precious Baby into our once empty arms. We adopted our incredible Finley. 

I thanked God over and over again. 
Little did I know that He was still working on that answer to my prayer regarding said patience. 

Our daughter was born prematurely and suffered a brain injury. We were told she could either: 
1. Develop Typically
2. Never walk or talk
...and only TIME would tell. 

*insert unshakeable patience*

During the 15 lonely & terrifying months leading up to our Daughter’s diagnosis, I was depressed. I remember amidst the unknown, I prayed for God to USE our story to help others. I thought if God uses it, it would surely make it easier. (I was so wrong!). This was supposed to be the happiest time in my life - yet my spirit was at an all time low. I didn’t know it then but I was being repurposed. All the “horrible traits” I had possessed were able to focus on a positive energy. I was still the SAME crazy girl, just given a new direction.

Being repurposed isn’t taking something old and making it new. It’s taking something that exists for a reason & refocusing the direction in which it’s meant to be. 

Advocates HAVE to be thick-skinned “Ring Leaders”, you have to possess a level of hustle that is firmly planted in your being. You have to be devoted to it like it’s your addiction! 

My transition to becoming the person God intends me has been tough and Lord knows I’ve got a ways to go 🙌🏼. If I try to picture it, it probably looked a lot like the scene where Ursula steals & transforms Ariel’s legs. I just picture a cloud of smoke and confusion around me... through all the pain, tears, and challenges He granted me grace. 😭

It’s by the grace of God that I am where I am today. I know they say hindsight is 20/20, but man when you’re going through it - it’s HARD.

My story is far from over, and so is yours. I BELIEVE that God will provide you the wishes of your heart- you just have to be willing to TRUST Him. 

Did I know that all the horrible decisions I’ve made wouldn’t always define me? I hoped not.

Did I know that infertility and raising a child with special need would armor me with unshakeable patience?! HECK to the NO. 

Did I know that starting a blog would lead to becoming one of the biggest Advocates in the Cerebral Palsy Community? That’d be a big fat NO.

Did I know that ALL OF THAT would be the Vessel in which God would use me? No. 

I do not feel worthy. I am flawed. I am extremely far from what you’d picture a Godly woman to be. 

I got to sit on a Panel of Christian Influencers last week, which doesn’t even make sense. How did that happen? I was blown away to learn that all of them were constantly being repurposed in their lives and this is something that will be ever changing. 

On the Panel:

  • Savanna Labrant- Youtube Family
  • Yvette Henry- Youtube Family
  • Heather Avis- Advocate + Author "The Lucky Few"
  • Hanna Slyfox- Youtube Family

The emails I receive on a daily basis saying that our story has helped someone is EVERYTHING to me.  It never hit me that this was GOD's purpose.  I guess when you're in the middle of a battle you never stop to think, is this my purpose- you merely keep on fighting. 


It hit me when I saw this picture.  God is using me. 😭

I write often about PAIN having a purpose, but never imagined having a purpose like this for myself.  Matter of fact if you would have told me this was going to be my life, I would’ve been petrified (and nothing scared me back then, lol I was as fearless as I was ignorant.) 


Perhaps you feel like you don’t have a purpose? 
You, my friend- can absolutely be Repurposed today. 

You don’t need to change anything about yourself- you are EXACTLY the way God intended you to be. Please don’t think you need to be like ANYONE ELSE!

God created a YOU for a reason, and you merely need a change of direction. 
It won’t be easy, but boy will it be worth it. 
