
  welcome to The Studio

with Christina Smallwood

Hiya!!!!! I am one of your Uplines- call me Chris or Christina! I am so excited to have you onboard! While we wait for your products to arrive there are a few things we don’t need to wait to get going on!!!

First, its important to understand that you need to get ONBOARDED ASAP! So, watch one OR BOTH of these ONBOARDING videso by Directors, Alexia Alvear & Nichole Fink . They break down how this business works and what FIRST STEPS you need to take! Take notes and whenever you bring on someone new- make sure they WATCH THIS!

This business THRIVES off DUPLICATION.

What exactly does that mean? Well, you want to make it as SIMPLE as possible by showing your team what to do & then encourage them to teach their teams to do the same and so on and so forth. If you make it your MONTHLY GOAL to build BLOCKS and teach your team to do the same then you are going to find yourself in a well balanced rhythm of business.


1 Market Partner with a Product Pack & 4 VIP customers = $150 BONUS

3 blocks is a Monatborhood = $500 bonus

Complete as many monatborhoods as you can and continue to earn!

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I know this all seems overwhelming. So let’s breathe and take it one step at a time.

Here is a breakdown from Senior Executive Director & Million Dollar Earner, Greta Murray. She is not “on our team”, but we share the same up up upline (Kendall Welden). You will learn who all of these people are, I promise. Learning about SMART START is super important first. WATCH THIS to learn how you earn upwards of $1130.00+ in your first few months of business.

I've made over a million dollars with Monat, and the only way I was able to do that was by teaching many people how to build a successful business for themse...

Here is ANOTHER video YOU HAVE TO WATCH!!!!! This is focused on YOUR first GOAL The first RANK ADVANCEMENT.

Managing Market Partner.

This time from our up up up up up upline Anne Fisher. Anne is like our GODMOTHER. She is a FIVE MILLION DOLLAR EARNER (in just 5 years, thats a million a year.). She is the BEST! I have shown girls this video and they always say they wish they would have watched it sooner! So watch it a few times if you need to! Our entire business is built on this RANK. Once you learn the steps, you teach your team to do this, and they teach their teams to do this. ALL WHILE GETTING EXTRA BONUSES. You’ll become a MMP factory and be at the TOP of the COMP PLAN in NO TIME!

(See Average monthly income on bottom of this page. It’s very accurate.)

now what?

Plan your “ BUSINESS LAUNCH” event & it’s time to get started with TRAINING.

Now that you know WHAT you want to do and WHY- you need to get trained!

There are two places to get trained:

one is located in your back office- called Market Partner Academy

and the other is located here!!

Start with either one you want but know that YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE SUCCESSFUL IF YOU DO BOTH, THE SOONER THE BETTER. You can’t start ANY job without training, right? RIGHT!

stop what you’re doing right now and post on your social media that you started something new and you are excited to dive into training!

You will LEARN AS YOU GROW in this business.

Your upline will help you answer questions and guide you as they come.

Questions mean you’re working. If you aren’t asking them- your upline can assume that you are either not interested OR not putting any effort into your Monat Business. It is YOUR responsibility to reach out and ask for help.

once you complete training, your upline will add you into the facebook groups. facebook is a must for staying up to date with training & team info.

This business consists of a few things.

  1. Talking AND posting about all aspects of your journey with Monat.

  2. Attending trainings +watching training videos

  3. Hosting Events & Attending Events

  4. Participating in TEAM CHATS

If you are not doing 1-5 you are not technically working your Monat Business properly. So you are way less likely to be successful.

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1 ON 1’S


Power hour prep:

  • Have your prospect/dream team list printed

  • Have your relationship building team list printed

  • Have a VIP contact list

  • Have a team list ready

  • Have events scheduled

  • Have company promos ready to promote

  • Have a flexship list printed

Weekly Set up:

  • Go through team pages/calender and write down all the upcoming week events in your planner.

  • Tune into the weekly Tuesday training or call and invite people to Tuesdays opportunity call

  • Write down your daily & weekly goals for this week (what you want to accomplish)

  • What day(s) this week are you able to listen to a podcast, watch a FB training or read a personal development book? (Lunch break, driving, school pick up line, at the airport or while washing dishes (pick a day)

  • Can you host an event, hang or meet up? (one on ones count)

(10 minutes) Reach Outs:

  • 5-10 Reach outs via calls, voice text, messenger about products, samples, meeting up for coffee. 

  • Invite people to local events, social media events or to watch a meet monat live.

(10 minutes) Follow up

  • Resend out wash instructions via text or email for those who are receiving their home hair spa samples or samples from you.

  • Check in with those who should have had the chance to wash with the products and get feedback + invite to purchase.

  • Invite others to order home hair spa samples if you have the premium website and connect app or send out samples by mail. 

  • Invite people to local events, social media events or to watch a meet monat live.

(10 minutes) VIP Maintenance & Appreciation

  • Check in with current Vips- talk about new products, mail them a new sample, tell them about the $20 referral program or asking them to host a virtual event or invite them to be a guest at an opportunity meeting. 

  • Flexships- Remind those who have flexships coming out. (I like to do this week by week so that I can offer flash sales at the same time.)

  • Reach out to those who have just received their NEW orders or flexships.

  • Reach out to those who haven’t ordered in 6 months (personally and hair wise). You can also mail them new samples of new products with a special notecard etc. 

(5 minutes) Check in with your team

  • Invite them to a local event

  • Plan an online event together, meet monat or opportunity call

  • Help them set goals and plan how to achieve it

  • Set up 3 way goal calls with your downline and your upline

(20 minutes) Be Social

  • Comment/like 10 friends posts that you have not talked to or seen in a while on your feeds. (Use your relationship building sheet to record)

  • Network- Add new friends to your relationship building list

  • Watch stories- Comment

  • Fb- Wish people happy birthday

  • Go check and comment in groups you are in (Mom groups, Community pages etc.)

 Create a social media post

  • Post an engaging text (questions are great for interaction)

  • Post encouragement (What you are reading or learning)

  • Remember the 80/20 rule 80% personal 20% business (the personal posting should be within your 5 pillars.)

  • Don’t neglect your IG/FB stories.

(5 Minutes) Give a shout out to a team member

  • Recognize for a new MP/VIP

  • Recognize for activity

  • Recognize participation

  • Recognize for a live video

  • Recognize for overcoming fears or obstacles

Wrap it up!!  How do you feel about your power hour? Give yourself encouragement because YOU DID IT!!   Now, stay C O N S I S T E N T!!!